
Physiotherapy is a regulated health care profession that aids to develop, maintain, and restore functional abilities. Physiotherapists have a vast understanding of human anatomy and the biomechanics of human movement which allows them to thoroughly assess and diagnose your area of concern and develop a personalised treatment plan to help get you back to what you love to do!

At Next Step Physiotherapy, we treat a wide span of conditions that include but are not limited to:

- Neck and back pain
- Joint pain
- Sciatica
- Disc pathologies
- Arthritis
- Tendinitis
- Bursitis
- Ligament sprains and muscle strains
- Soft tissue injuries
- Pediatric conditions
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
- Pregnancy related pain
- Postpartum core muscle weakness, Diastasis Recti
- Torticollis
- Fall recovery & prevention
- Sports related injuries
- Pre & Post surgical rehabilitation
- Fractures
- Muscle imbalances
- Posture
- Functional assessment

Initial Assessment

Your first appointment at Next Step will take approximately 1 hour. During this one-on-one appointment, the physiotherapist will start by asking you questions about your area of concern. Following this, your physiotherapist will complete a thorough objective assessment, evaluating your physical capabilities and how they relate to your current state. This will allow the physiotherapist to compile an accurate diagnosis to share with you and develop a treatment plan specific to your individual needs and goals.

Treatments may include, but are not limited to:

- Massage
- Cupping therapy
- Manual therapy
- Active and passive stretching
- Active and passive soft tissue work
- Range of motion
- Joint mobilization, with and without movement
- Balance training
- Sports specific rehab
- Education
- Home exercise program
- Functional strengthening

Follow Up Appointments

At the end of your initial assessment, your physiotherapist will discuss follow up appointments. Follow up appointments are also one on one with the physiotherapist and typically take 30 minutes.


Prevention of future injuries is just as important as the treatment. At Next Step, before you are discharged, we believe in educating around preventative measures to reduce risk of reinjury.

At Next Step Physiotherapy, we can help get you back on your feet and do what you love to do following musculoskeletal related surgeries that include but are not limited to:

- ACL reconstruction
- Meniscal repair
- Total keep replacement
- Total hip replacement
- Labral repairs
- Rotator cuff repairs
- Post fracture rehabilitation
Virtual Rehab is a way for a Registered Physiotherapist to virtually assess and treat through means of a secured video conferencing program, which meets all the guidelines required by HIPAA and PIPEDA. The physiotherapist can effectively complete a virtual assessment, followed by a diagnosis and treatment, all while you remain in the comfort of your own home. Virtual Rehab appointments are beneficial for both musculoskeletal and concussion conditions.

How does Virtual Rehab Work?

Through Virtual Rehab your physiotherapist can:

- Take a thorough history and provide a detailed diagnosis
- Assess range of motion and strength
- Assess functional movements
- Teach self-mobilization techniques
- Teach self-soft tissue techniques
- Provide full rehab plan, which can be done in your own environment
- Prescribe exercises and stretches
- Correct and modify exercise and stretch techniques

Is Virtual Rehab the right fit for you?

Virtual rehab is a great alternative for those who live remotely or prefer the convenience of not having to leave their front door.

Feel free to contact Next Step to see if virtual rehab would be appropriate for your area of injury.

Will my insurance benefits cover Virtual Rehab?

Yes! Currently, we are unaware of any insurance companies that do not cover virtual rehab (or TeleRehab). However, you may want to contact your insurance provider to confirm.

What do I need for a Virtual Rehab Appointment?

- Laptop, tablet or smart phone that allows microphone and video access
- Adequate lighting
- Space to move around in
- Comfortable clothing